Waiting for the new Pope! |
I still cannot believe that I went to Rome. It had always been a dream of mine, but I thought I might go someday after I retired. Of course, I thought the same thing about going to Walt Disney World, but I was able to do that on a band trip my junior year in high school. This year I was able to go to Rome on a pilgrimage with about twenty-five midshipmen. It was amazing, and so many great things happened. I felt as though the Lord had personally planned my trip and made it perfect for me. We planned the trip months in advance, and we never expected to see the conclave or a new Pope, but that is just what happened. Let me take you through the highlights of the trip.
The Flight
First, let me give you some advice. If you ever fly to Rome make sure you sleep on the way over. I know all of those great movies are tempting, but you can watch them on the way back. You are going to need your sleep, because when you get there it could be the morning of the next day, and if you did not get any sleep...Oh man. I got some sleep, but more would have been great.
This was my first trip over seas, and other then the eight hours it was a pretty normal flight. We flew out of Philadelphia, and to my surprise there were people from San Marcos, Texas. My home town church was taking students to Rome too.
St Peter's Basilica
This was my dream! This is what I wanted to see, and it was the first thing that we went to see. It was huge, and when we walked in, yup it's true, it took my breath away. It was beautiful. Here are some pictures.
My favorite had to be the Pieta.
White Smoke!
That was the smoke stack (Actually, it is a large screen in the middle of St. Peter's square that made it easier to see the smoke.) on the first night of the election. We waited for almost an hour, and to no surprise the smoke was black that night.
This has to be my favorite part in the entire trip. Imagine this...You are a catholic missionary, and it is your dream to go to Rome and see a Pope. You hear that the midshipmen are going on a pilgrimage to Rome and you decide to go. The trip is planned months in advance, and as the trip is getting closer you hear that the Pope is abdicating. In fact, you realize that there will not be a Pope when you get there. Someone else might think, "Well, at least it is still Rome, and I can still see the Sistine Chapel and the rest of the beautiful city." NOT ME! This was a dream of mine, and who knows when I would get another opportunity to go to Rome? I knew this could be one of the greatest trips ever, or one of those times when I could say "I was so close...yet so far." In fact, I later learned that the Sistine Chapel would be closed, as they prepared to use the chapel for the conclave. I never got to see the Sistine Chapel, but that is fine. It is still the greatest trip I have ever been on, because I was there on the second night when that white smoke came out.

Everyone was so surprised when the white smoke came out, and as soon as it did the Vatican bells began to ring, and all of the bells in the city followed. Everyone in the square rushed to the front to get a good view. While the rest of the city rushed to the square (I mean not the entire city, but the square was packed.), and we all waited for our new Pope.
It was perfect! The rain even cleared up, so everyone was able to pull down there umbrellas. Otherwise, we would not have been able to see. We waited for about an hour, and then the lights turned on, and all of the cardinals step out onto to the side balconies waiting for their brother, the new Pope whom they just elected, to step out and meet the world.
That was my favorite part. To me it symbolized the unity of the church. I was blown away, and then he stepped out! It was amazing! Here is a little video of that night.
I felt as though the Lord had done it all for me, and I will never forget that moment. Thank you for everyone who has supported me, because I would not be a missionary without you, and I never would have been able to see this.
P.S. Hey Luke, is that St. Peter's?
P.P.S. Thank you Father Mike for everything!