Thursday, October 24, 2013

Live Life For Eternity

This past weekend was the Catholic Midshipmen Club's big Fall retreat.  We were about twenty minutes away from the Naval Academy, which to a midshipmen is glorious and probably seems about a hundred miles away, at a Y.M.C.A. campgrounds called Camp Letts.  We got there Friday evening and after we had wonderful camp food we began our talks.  One of the midshipmen, named Peter, gave a talk on living life for Heaven and not just the Naval Academy.  A lot of midshipmen will workout and study for hours, and that is a great thing and is needed, but they often forget about prayer and living life for eternity. 

Peter preparing for his talk

People all around the world are doing the same thing (with a lot less of working out of course).  I often lose sight of the big picture.  We only get a little time on Earth, but that time is what we use to decide where we want to be for eternity.  If I lived my life for myself, and I wanted to do it my way without finding out what God wants, then the Lord will give me what I want.  If I want to be away from Him or if I put Him second, then because He loves me He will give me what I want the most.  He will give me an eternity of what I want, yet nothing other than Him can fill the infinite hole in our hearts.  I would be miserable knowing that I had given up the greatest gift of all, which is to be with God forever, and I would be in Hell.  Now, if I live for the Lord, knowing without Him I have nothing that can fill my heart, but with Him I have everything; if I do my work, be kind to people, and most importantly get to know Him; If I simply follow truth and the natural law written into my heart; If I let Him in to my heart, then the God who is love and truth Himself will give me everything I have truly ever wanted.  He will give me His entire self forever.  I would choose it, and He would give me Heaven.  The Lord does not make us go anywhere.  We choose our final destination, and because He loves us He gives it to us. Let us remember to live life for eternity. 

More great news of the retreat will come soon. 

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