Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Unveiling Reality

The Revolution is on its way.  Thursday night we had Unveiling Reality at Stephen F. Austin University, and about 77 students came out for the event.  It was AWESOME!!!  Unveiling Reality is an introduction to Theology of the Body.  We give a presentation and afterwards ask people to join the Theology of the Body study groups. 

Everyone who prepared for Unveiling Reality did great.  Jason and Amanda worked wonderfully together, and kept everything running smoothly.  All of the speakers did great, and all of the volunteer students from SFA helped so much.  What was really exciting was that after the event 51 students signed up for the study groups.  That’s two-thirds of all the students there.  I think that is the highest percentage of people who went to Unveiling Reality and signed up for the study groups.  Also, I recently heard that 17 more students have signed up for the study groups.  God is really opening people’s hearts.  Thank you Lord! 

Thanks for all of your prayers. 

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