Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Big News!!!

Again, I am sorry for posting late.  I know this is getting to be a bad habit, but yesterday I was feeling sick, and I am glad I have waited until today, because I have big news.  Don’t worry I am feeling a lot better.  Today, one of my disciples started a relationship with Jesus Christ.  This is what it is all about!  He has been catholic his entire life, but to him, and a lot of other Catholic midshipmen on the yard, God is more of an abstract being that must be obeyed.  Most of these midshipmen follow the church and go to the sacraments, but you will see years later that people with this view leave the church.  You know this.  You have seen it in your churches.  If I did not have a relationship with Jesus Christ I would probably feel like the church is full of rules that keep me from being happy, and eventually I might go somewhere that makes me feel good.  We are here to bring people into a greater relationship with Christ.  When you have that relationship then it is easy to see that these so called rules are ways to grow in my relationship with Jesus and be free.  We are working to bring these midshipmen into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so please continue to pray for these midshipmen.  I also want to thank you so much for all of your support and prayers, because this could not happen without you and the Holy Spirit. 


P.S. Go Navy, Beat Air Force!!!

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